sabato 6 aprile 2019

Document Human Fraternity

The theme comes up again and again. Finally I bought a copy of the Document Human Fraternity (I could not enjoy it digitally, I need it in paper).

I am going through the first pages and I feel at home. I strongly think we are one family; I am not naive; I am aware there are differences that are very difficult to heal, to reconcile.

We are brothers and sisters who live together on this common Earth: what to do to get along, to live respecting each others; trying not to hurt mutually in a way that it is very hard to heal? I am aware that I am an Italian and European citizen; but this is too small for me. I feel a citizen of this Earth.

We need borders but not walls. I dream a global human fraternity and sisterhood. It it still too small the word fraternity. This is the only thing I feel very difficult to accept. Sorry Pope Francis! I profoundly respect your mission, but I sometimes find a bit hard to accept your 'machismo'. I am trying to cope with it.

#DialogoInterreligioso #InterreligiousDialogue

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